2019, Number 4
Conceptual map as a managerial learning tool of the promotion processes in Cuba
Language: Spanish
References: 12
Page: 1-13
PDF size: 421.26 Kb.
Introduction: The analysis of the promotion process of women to leadership positions is a complex one, which must include and comply with all its stages, with emphasis on the selection and approval. Only thus it can operate in a coherent manner and will be able to achieve the desired purposes.Objective: To develop a teaching resource for decision-making in the stages of selection and approval of women´s promotion process to leadership positions.
Methods: It was applied a review of the literature and a content analysis of secondary sources from the Ministry of Public Health. It was used the Big6 model to trace the search strategy.
Results: It was obtained a conceptual basis as a teaching tool to facilitate learning and decision-making, through the modelling of the concepts and relationships that characterize the object of study and that were obtained from the consultations of the documentary sources. The results were presented in a conceptual map that allowed organizing knowledge.
Conclusions: Having an educational resource for learning the conceptual and hierarchical relations that are set forth in the selection and approval stages of the process of women´s promotion to leadership positions prevents the establishment of wrong cognitive structures in those involved in the process, being the conceptual maps a graphical tool that facilitates the management of knowledge in managerial processes and in the selection of alternatives as part of the decision-making process.
Villalustre Martínez L, Del Moral Pérez ME. Mapas conceptuales, mapas mentales y líneas temporales: objetos “de” aprendizaje y “para” el aprendizaje en Ruralnet. Revista Latinoamericana de Tecnología Educativa- RELATEC. 2010 [acceso 28/01/2018];9(1). Disponible en: http://mascvuex.unex.es/revistas/index.php/relatec/article/view/602/0
Controlaría General de la República. Sistema de control interno: Resolución no. 60/11: Normas del sistema de control interno y guía de autocontrol general. 2012. [acceso 06/05/2018]. Disponible en: https://www.google.com/search?sxsrf=ACYBGNSC45bfyOhW6hpeocEOLOPGkQ_ zA%3A1574447605430&ei=9SnYXd_0GcyG5wKV0YKoAQ&q=Resoluci%C3%B 3n+60&oq=Resoluci%C3%B3n+60&gs_l=psyab. 3..0l10.1092023.1095125..1095696...0.2..0.710.5200.3-9j2j1j1......0....1..gwswiz....... 0i71j0i131j35i39j0i67j0i20i263.UqOEKkMVQLg&ved=0ahUKEwifw_Sxuv7lAhV Mw1kKHZWoABUQ4dUDCAo&uact=5