2020, Number 1
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Rev Cubana Pediatr 2020; 92 (1)
Serum Zinc in school children
Carrero GCM, Lastre-Amell G, Oróstegui-Santander MA, Suarez-Villa M, Ruiz ELL
Language: Spanish
References: 32
Page: 1-16
PDF size: 561.36 Kb.
Introduction: Early childhood is a crucial stage in the growth and development of the human being; it is the time where the brain develops at maximum speed. Feeding, one of the main determining factors of development and micronutrient deficiencies, among others, are responsible for functional damage.
Objective: To determine the concentration of serum zinc in school children and to compare results with studies in the same population of different Latin American countries.
Methods: Prospective descriptive and comparative study in 116 school children between 7 to 12 years old of the Basic Primary school in Maracaibo Municipality, Zulia State, Venezuela. Anthropometric clinical and biochemical assessment was performed.
Results: Higher frequency in girls (52.6 %) of average age 8 years and 9 months, and 8 years and 5 months for boys; average weight of 25.21 kg and height of 124.49 cm for girls, and average weight of 25.07 kg and height of 125.75 cm for boys. It was found an average concentration of zinc of 0.49 μg/mL in boys, and of 0.50 μg/mL in girls. Most of the results of four Latin American countries revealed that the average serum zinc was between 0.32 and 95.2 μg/dL.
Conclusion: Children showed serum zinc concentrations below the mean values set. It is necessary to implement food strategies to improve the nutritional status of zinc in pediatric populations of Latin American countries.
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