2020, Number 2
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Rev Elec Psic Izt 2020; 23 (2)
Aggressive behavior, rule-following, negative attribution, self-esteem and stress in drivers
Sedano JS, Dorantes AG
Language: Spanish
References: 51
Page: 696-723
PDF size: 674.93 Kb.
Dispositional factors, such as self-esteem and adherence to norms, influence some cognitive processes, such as attribution. This has an impact on the aggressive behavior and stress that individuals experience while driving a motor vehicle. The present study evaluated these variables in the context of the metropolitan area of the city of Cuernavaca, Morelos state (Mexico), which includes the municipalities of Cuernavaca, Jiutepec, Temixco, and Emiliano Zapata. An instrument battery is built, which was applied to 1132 participants, to determine if there is a relationship between the study variables. Although this study does not establish the type of causal relationships between the study variables from a quantitative perspective, if any. It is concluded that the dynamics between these variables is of a more complex nature due to the influence of structural variables such as sex, age and years of study have an influential role, which is why studies that generate greater depth and more complex understanding of the study phenomenon.
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