2020, Number 2
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Rev Elec Psic Izt 2020; 23 (2)
Study on how undergraduate psychology students perceive their ethical knowledge
Pérez VKA, Coffin CN, Jiménez RML, Ramírez CA
Language: Spanish
References: 15
Page: 494-521
PDF size: 504.97 Kb.
It is important that throughout the school stay, college students have a training oriented to professional ethics. Pasmanik and Winkler (2008), mention that professions are characterized by occupations that have a function with social relevance, so they imply rigorous preparation, since they can benefit or harm the individual, family, group, organization or community and It is here that the importance of professional Ethics lies, in which correct practices are promoted and professional negligence is avoided. Such acquisition of knowledge is also of great importance for coexistence, since in most grade schools, there is no subject focused on professional ethical knowledge. Based on this, this study aims to know the perception of college students about the acquisition of ethical knowledge during their professional training. The study design was of a non-experimental quantitative and qualitative cut. 84 students of the psychology career of the Campus Iztacala, UNAM, participated voluntarily, belonging to 4th and 6th academic semesters. The units of analysis were the groups: two groups of the fourth semester (being one of the morning shift and another of the evening shift) and two of the sixth semester (both being of the evening shift). Ethical considerations: Among others, the use of Group Informed Consent. A questionnaire with a total of 12 items was applied, based on a Scale of Attitudes on Professional Ethics, conducted by Hirsch (2005), with a moderate Chronbach's alpha (0.682) The quantitative results showed gender differences in their perception , as well as that students in 6th semester perceived acquiring greater ethical knowledge than those in 4th. Those, in the morning shift, perceived mostly recognizing unethical behaviors; however, everyone perceived having exemplified ethical dilemmas in a few classes. Qualitative results showed that students perceived receiving more information about unethical behaviors in the Clinical setting, but not for the Educational setting. In conclusion, this study
shows the importance of imparting ethical knowledge in the professional training of psychologists, as well as increasing these contents in the Educational field.
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