2020, Number 1
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Rev Elec Psic Izt 2020; 23 (1)
Religiosity styles and values of university students in Esmeraldas, Ecuador
García VAU, Martínez MJI, Foronda RA
Language: Spanish
References: 25
Page: 336-354
PDF size: 400.64 Kb.
This paper analyzes the religiosity styles proposed by Batson and Ventis, and the Schwartz´s value system with variables such as gender, ethnic self-definition and religious affiliation, as well as the correlations between religious values and styles, with a sample of 205 university students of Esmeraldas-Ecuador. The results do not clearly include the three theoretical orientations of the religious scale (Intrinsic, Extrinsic and Quest). As in other investigations, the extrinsic is broken down into two, Personal Extrinsic and Social Extrinsic. The Quest orientation appears more blurred, that is also broken down into two factors. There are significant differences between men and women in the Intrinsic and Personal Extrinsic styles, and in the value of Security. Regarding ethnic self-definition, there are only significant differences in the value of Stimulation between mestizos and blacks, and with regard to religious affiliation, the difference between Catholics and Evangelicals in the Social Extrinsic style stands out. There is a strong mutual correlation between the Intrinsic and Personal Extrinsic styles, and with the dimensions of Self-transcendence and Conservatism, which appear as a single dimension of values. Among the values, Universalism and Benevolence are those which present higher means, while Power has the lowest mean.
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