2019, Number 3
Takayasu arteritis
Language: Spanish
References: 16
Page: 1-9
PDF size: 131.95 Kb.
Introduction: Takayasu arteritis is a systemic vasculitis considered a rare disease. Its etiopathogenic mechanism is based on an inflammatory process that affects the aorta and its large branches. The absence of pulse, the angiodynia, the hypertensive disorders and the presence of nodules in the lower limbs are described as their main clinical manifestations.Objective: To present the main clinical manifestations that allows the diagnostic suspicion of Takayasu arteritis in primary health care.
Clinical case: 36-year-old female patient, which presents clinical manifestations that allow the diagnosis of Takayasu arteritis. Conclusions: The clinical suspicion of the disease is based on adequate clinical, epidemiological and laboratory findings, which are perfectly detectable in primary health care.
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