2019, Number 2
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Rev Cubana Med Gen Integr 2019; 35 (2)
Self-care stances, relations and significance of high blood pressure
Higuera-Dagovett E, Garzón DI
Language: Spanish
References: 28
Page: 1-14
PDF size: 163.38 Kb.
Introduction: In clinical practice, the question is frequently posed about why some patients
with chronic diseases do not follow the recommendations given by health professionals,
despite the information that they obtain about the disease.
Objective: To understand how self-care stances are constructed and their articulation with
the meaning of arterial hypertension and the doctor-patient relationship.
Method: Qualitative study, with narrative design. Conversational spaces were analyzed with
patients and health professionals.
Results: The construction of the experience in the conversational healthcare space does not
have a convergence point, since it is part of unidirectional conversations centered on the
experience of the physician in front of the patient and the latter's dialogue with
himself/herself about his/her illness, experiences not leading to sustainable transformations
in lifestyle over time and favoring the emergence of limiting labels for the construction of
relationships that enable patients to assume their self-care.
Conclusions: Dialogue in the doctor-patient relationship facilitates the emergence of new
meanings of the disease and the activation of processes, by which people can assume the
experience from responsibility and self-care.
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