2019, Number 2
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Rev Cubana Med Gen Integr 2019; 35 (2)
Cancer incidence in the SOLCA hospital, Guayaquil
Real-Cotto JJ, Quinto-Briones RM, Tanca-Campozano JP, Puga-Peña GR, Jaramillo-Feijoo LE
Language: Spanish
References: 14
Page: 1-14
PDF size: 478.20 Kb.
Introduction: The International Agency for Research on Cancer, reported in 2012 that the
global burden of cancer increased to an estimated 14 million new cases each year, and is
expected to grow over the next two decades.
Objective: To determine the incidence of different types of cancer in patients diagnosed in
SOLCA hospital in Guayaquil.
Methods: Non-experimental, descriptive and cross-sectional design. The study population
was 18 805 patients newly diagnosed with cancer in the SOLCA hospital, Guayaquil, during
the period 2013-2017.
Results: The incidence of cancer was 63% in women and 37% in men. Mainly, the age
group in men was 65-69 years (12.2%); in women, 50-54 years (10.9%); in children, 0-14
years, the highest proportion in male patients (7.9%). The frequency in women was: breast
(24.8%), cervix (14.3%), thyroid (11.5%); and in men: prostate (18.5%), non-melanoma
skin (8.3%), non-Hodgkin's lymphoma (8.2%). In pediatric cancer, lymphoid leukemia was
the most frequent, in girls (38.1%) in the group of 10-14 years (47.9%); in children (43.5%)
in the group of 5-9 years (55.2%).
Conclusions: In women, breast, cervical and thyroid cancer were diagnosed at younger
ages; in men, the prostate is more frequent in the adult stage. Pediatric cancer, in general, is
proportionally higher in males.
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