2019, Number 2
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Rev Cubana Med Gen Integr 2019; 35 (2)
Impact of consanguinity in the offspring of consanguineous marriages
Mesa TD, Lantigua CA
Language: Spanish
References: 26
Page: 1-17
PDF size: 255.39 Kb.
Introduction: Consanguinity continues to be a universal phenomenon. Nowadays,
consanguineous marriages and their descendants are estimated at 10,4% of the world
population; their descendants have a high probability of suffering recessive Mendelian
diseases, as well as complex diseases of multifactorial nature.
Objectives: To determine the inbreeding coefficient of the region and the main affectations
found in offspring of consanguineous marriages.
Methods: A descriptive, applied and retrospective cross-sectional research on the inbreeding
coefficient was conducted at Paso Quemado Popular Council, Los Palacios Municipality,
Pinar del Río, from May 2016 to February 2017.
Results: We identified 11 consanguineous marriages (1.96%), mostly in rural areas and
among first cousins. The average inbreeding coefficient was 0.00115. After the 70's, there
was no occurrence of consanguineous marriages. Affectations such as infant mortality, rare
monogenic diseases, congenital malformations, mild intellectual disability and common
diseases appeared more frequently in the offspring of first cousins.
Conclusions: In correspondence with the opening of new social, economic and educational
opportunities in the region, consanguinity does not constitute a health problem nowadays;
however, mostly complex diseases affected 52.5% of offspring in consanguineous couples.
The study lays the foundations to establish a health education and promotion strategy at the
community level.
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