2019, Number 2
Glycated hemoglobin as predictor of mortality and complications in patients with acute myocardial infarction with st-segment elevation
Language: Spanish
References: 20
Page: 1-16
PDF size: 475.84 Kb.
Introduction: Glycated hemoglobin could become a tool in the initial stratification of infarcted patients according to the previous metabolic balance.Objective: To determine the prognostic value of death glycated hemoglobin and major cardiac complications in the in-hospital period in patients diagnosed with acute myocardial infarction with ST-segment elevation.
Methods: A prospective cohort analytical observational study was conducted in patients treated in the Coronary Care Unit at Arnaldo Milián Castro University Hospital from November 2018 to March 2019. They presented diagnosis of acute myocardial infarction with ST segment elevation ( N = 73); a sample of 62 patients was selected. Cluster analysis of K-means was performed and the area under ROC curve of glycated hemoglobin was assessed to predict mortality and major complications.
Results: There were statistically significant differences between the clusters in the variables such as state at discharge (p = 0.001; V = 0.489) and occurrence of major cardiac complications (p = 0.050; V = 0.307). The analysis of C statistic of glycated hemoglobin established the predictive capacity for mortality in both diabetics (C = 0.810; p = 0.014) and non-diabetics (C = 0.817; p = 0.006), as well as for major cardiac complications in diabetics ( C = 0.799; p = 0.015) and non-diabetics (C = 0.683; p = 0.052). The cut-off point was established at 7.8%, above which glycated hemoglobin was a prognostic factor for mortality and major c.
Conclusions: Glycosylated hemoglobin was stablished to have the ability to predict mortality and major cardiac complications in the in-hospital period. Its value above the cutoff point was an independent predictor.
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