2019, Number 1
Quality indicators to evaluate a health education service
Language: Spanish
References: 33
Page: 1-19
PDF size: 513.30 Kb.
Introduction: Quality assessment requires specific indicators and it allows monitoring the continuous improvement of services provided.Objective: To validate quality indicators for assessing a health education service using Delphi methodology.
Method: Qualitative-quantitative and methodological research for the development of health systems and services at the micro level. For the design of the indicators, a documentary analysis of national and international sources was carried out, and the participatory consensus methodology was applied using brainstorming and critical analysis. The indicators were developed from the dimensions of structure, process and results according to the principles of Donabedian; and were validated through a panel of 7 experts with a high and medium degree of competence, following the Delphi method. The competence of the experts was evaluated following the methodology of Hurtado et al.
Results: The indicators proposal was constituted by 7 of structure, 5 of process and 2 of results. A Kendall coefficient of 0.4 was obtained in the first round, that is to say there was no tendency to agreement between experts, and 0.7 in the second round that indicated agreement between them.
Conclusions: The designed indicators can be used to evaluate the quality of a health education service, since the validation showed adequate indexes of agreement between experts. Validated quality indicators can be used in healthcare practice, as a tool to evaluate the health education process, since they showed adequate indexes of agreement between experts. On the other hand, the use of this tool will allow the continuous improvement of this type of service and will give the possibility of perfecting and adapting them, in an easy way, to new situations.
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