2020, Number 1
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Rev Med Inst Mex Seguro Soc 2020; 58 (1)
Frequency of depression and burnout syndrome in Obstetrics and Ginecology residents
Carranza-Lira S, Toribio-Cortés N
Language: Spanish
References: 26
Page: 28-36
PDF size: 188.46 Kb.
Introduction: According to the World Health
Organization, depression is the most prevalent mental
disorder and
burnout syndrome can occur among
individuals whose work involves care or assistance to
people, and, given that residents may have heavy
workloads, it is important to study burnout’s frequency in
Objective: To know the frequency of
burnout syndrome
and depression in Obstetrics and Gynecology (OB/GYN)
Methods: A prospective, observational, cross-sectional,
and descriptive study was carried out in OB/GYN
residents. Two instruments were applied: Beck
Depression Inventory and Maslach Burnout Inventory, in
order to assess depression and
burnout, respectively.
For the statistical analysis, it was used descriptive
statistics, frequencies, measures of central tendency and
dispersion, as well as Spearman correlation analysis.
Results: 28 second-year residents, 33 from third-year,
and 17 fourth-year residents were studied. In secondyear
residents, mild and moderate depression prevailed;
in third-year residents, moderate depression, and in
fourth-year residents, minimal depression. Only secondyear,
and third-year residents presented
syndrome. Correlation between depression and
syndrome showed a rho = 0.591, p ‹ 0.001.
Conclusion: Depression is related to burnout syndrome
in OB/GYN residents.
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