2006, Number 3
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Rev Inst Nal Enf Resp Mex 2006; 19 (3)
Cost-effectiveness of diagnostic methods for tuberculosis
Navarro-Reynoso F, Hernández-Solís A, Pérez-Romo A, Cicero-Sabido R
Language: Spanish
References: 29
Page: 214-221
PDF size: 67.51 Kb.
Tuberculosis can be a silent disease that can progress into chronic and irreversible forms leading to incapacitation and death; not rarely the diagnosis in made at the
autopsy table. Lung tuberculosis is diagnosed by readily avaible methods; extrapulmonary tuberculosis diagnosis may require biopsy material. The usual laboratory diagnosis includes Ziehl-Neelsen smears for acid fast bacilli fluorescence techniques and Lowestein-Jensen cultures; for body fluids, new procedures include polymerase chain reaction and adenosine deaminase. The
Mycobacterium growth identification tube culture allows a quicker identification of mycobacteria and earlier medical treatment, preventing the progression of TB and potential appearance of complications that represent a heavy monetary burden for the responsible institutions. This study presents the advantages and cost-effectiveness of several diagnostic procedures for TB, pondering the sensitivity, specificity, positive and negative predictive values of each one.
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