2020, Number S1
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Ginecol Obstet Mex 2020; 88 (S1)
Progestin-only contraception
Valdés-Bango M, Castelo-Branco C
Language: Spanish
References: 59
Page: 56-73
PDF size: 439.35 Kb.
Nowadays progestin-only contraception represents one of the most prescribed
contraceptive options. It includes a wide variety of possibilities, either in forms of
presentation, routes of administration and composition, such as desogestrel pill,
subdermal implants of levonorgestrel or etonorgestrel, the injectable medroxyprogesterone
acetate or the intrauterine system of levonorgestrel release. All included a
unique hormonal component of the family of progestins, which confers contraceptive
efficacy and avoids the side effects attributable to estrogens. Progestin-only contraception
is one of the methods with higher efficacy and its mechanism of action is
based, mainly, on the effect of the progestin at the central (negative feedback on the
hypothalamic-pituitary axis) and peripheral level (endometrial atrophy, alteration of
tubal motility and transformation of cervical mucus). Progestin-only contraceptives
can be prescribed to any woman who demands contraception, as they are methods,
in any of their routes of administration, very effective. They are especially indicated
in women who, temporarily, as in breastfeeding, or permanently, as smokers over
35 years or with other risk factors of deep vein thrombosis, cannot use methods
containing estrogens. Progestin-only contraceptives can also be prescribed to reduce
menstrual bleeding or dysmenorrhea. Their most frequent side effects are usually
related to changes in the pattern of menstrual bleeding, weight changes due to their
androgenic effect, or the appearance of functional ovarian cysts.
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