2020, Number S1
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Ginecol Obstet Mex 2020; 88 (S1)
Benefits of combined oral contraceptives
Vásquez-Awad D
Language: Spanish
References: 27
Page: 47-55
PDF size: 247.16 Kb.
After 40 years, combined oral contraceptives have shown an optimal safety profile that
allows to indicate them to different age groups. In recent years it has been observed
that, along with the contraceptive effect for which they were created, combined oral
hormones offer various beneficial effects, gynecological or not, that have been studied
carefully. The purpose of this article is to analyze, in the light of the evidence, the beneficial
non-contraceptive effects of combined oral hormones in women not interested
in planning her family. Combined oral contraceptives have a positive impact on the
life of women in reproductive age, not only from a medical point of view, but also in
the social, emotional, anthropological, economic and self-esteem fields. The control of
fertility has been one of the most notorious advances in the struggle –which belongs to
all gynecologists– to achieve gender equality. In addition to the contraceptive effects of
combined oral hormones, the gynecological and non-gynecological benefits of these
drugs are also recognized.
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