2019, Number 31
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Inv Ed Med 2019; 8 (31)
Digital applications as a didactic tool for the study of medical parasitology
Rivera-Fernández N, García-Dávila P, Alpuche HA
Language: Spanish
References: 18
Page: 64-71
PDF size: 499.65 Kb.
Introduction: The use of electronic applications (app) in
medical education, has demonstrated to facilitate learning,
as it allows immediate access to knowledge at any
time and in any place.
Objective: Developed and assessed an app for the study
of morphology and the biological cycle of the
gondii parasite, for the students of the Parasitology module
of the academic subject Microbiology and Parasitology
of the of the Faculty of Medicine, UNAM, in order to
reinforce and include data of the toxoplasmosis disease
that is one of the most complex parasitosis being studied
in this module.
Method: The app was developed at the Departamento
de Visualización y Realidad Virtual (DVRV), Dirección de
Cómputo y Tecnologías de Información y Comunicación
(DGTIC), UNAM. Its use was assessed through a user satisfaction
survey that was applied to the module´s alumni
using a criteria variable of satisfaction corresponding to
the Satisfaction scale of the Spanish version of the Distance
Education Learning Survey. The inner consistency
for the tools was calculated with the Cronbach Alpha test.
In order to identify the structure of the tool, the Principal
Component Analysis (PCA) was used with a Varimax and
Kaiser Normalization rotation.
Results: The results in the PCA showed an appropriate
sample adequacy and pertinent elements in the analyzed
tool. The inner consistency for the tool showed a standardized
value of 0.87, which provides evidence to assure
that the items measure the same construct related with
the pattern of answers among themselves.
Conclusion: The app was welcome by students and served
its purpose. The students' answers will allow us to improve
the design of future apps to study medical parasitology.
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