2006, Number 3
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Rev Inst Nal Enf Resp Mex 2006; 19 (3)
Frequent findings during bronchoscopy with white light
Guerrero MES, Cuaya UAC, Lazcano HE, Peña ME, Pérez-Redondo VN
Language: Spanish
References: 21
Page: 180-189
PDF size: 414.88 Kb.
During 2005 we did a prospective study to determine the frequency of macroscopic findings during conventional white light bronchoscopy; findings were registered in a database specifically designed for this purpose according to Shigeto Ikeda’s bronchoscopic findings classification. Five hundred and ninety five adults (334 males, 261 females) underwent a complete bronchoscopic examination; we did not include incomplete studies nor cases without photo or videorecordings; a 4.9 and a 6.3 mm external diameter fiberoptic videobronchoscopes were used. We did not find abnormalities in 11.2%; the rest, 88.8% had one to four abnormalities for a total of 1208 abnormalities; 637 organic changes of the bronchial wall (52.7%), 320 endobronchial abnormalities (26.4%), 232 abnormal substances in the lumen of the airways (19.2%) and 19 functional dynamic disorders (1.5%). Lung cancer associated abnormalities were the commonest bronchoscopic findings. Representative images are shown.
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