2012, Number 09-10
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Medicina & Laboratorio 2012; 18 (09-10)
Clinical and hematological characterization of repetitive blood donors from a blood bank at Medellin-Colombia, 2011
Mantilla GCY, Cardona AJA, Pérez ER
Language: Spanish
References: 32
Page: 459-470
PDF size: 331.79 Kb.
Introduction: repetitive altruistic donors are relevant to blood banks because of the evidence of
low risk for transfusion transmitted infections. However, studies about clinical and hematological
characteristics are exiguous in our country.
Objective: to describe the clinical and hematologic
characteristics of repetitive blood donors in a blood bank of Medellin-Colombia.
Materials and
methods: descriptive study of a retrospective cohort. The information was collected from the
blood bank database. The measures of summary and frequency were calculated. The clinical and
hematological characteristics were compared according to sex and age; in addition, the relation
among hemoglobin values and time between donations was evaluated.
Results: the cohort
consisted of 556 donors; the annual average of donation was two. The clinical characteristics
differed by sex and age. Between donations, there were statistically significant differences with
the body weight, which increased and the media blood pressure and the hemoglobin, which
Conclusions: the clinical characteristics showed changes between donations without
exceeding the established limits. This implies it is important the steady care of each clinical and
hematological parameter evaluated, in order to preserve donor health and guarantee their revisit,
with special attention to female donors.
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