2020, Number 1
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Revista Cubana de Educación Médica Superior 2020; 34 (1)
Difficulty and discrimination index of items for evaluation in basic medical subjects
Gómez LVM, Rosales GS, García GJL, Berrones SKI, Berrones SCM
Language: Spanish
References: 16
Page: 1-12
PDF size: 165.91 Kb.
Introduction: Determining the quality of a measuring instrument implies the evaluation
of both the accuracy and the stability of such measurement or result.
Objective: To evaluate the index of difficulty and discrimination of the items of the
measuring instruments of some subjects of the curricular axis of Fundamentals of
Medicine of a particular medical school.
Methods: By means of an observational, comparative, cross-sectional and prolective
study, the items of the ordinary examination of the subjects Morphology, Biochemistry
and Molecular Biology, and Microbiology and Medical Virology were analyzed, which
were answered by 112 students of Morphology, 101 of Biochemistry and Biology
Molecular, and 89 of Microbiology and Medical Virology. The number of reagents was
100 for Morphology, 80 for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, and 75 for
Microbiology and Medical Virology. Descriptive statistics were used, and the difficulty
index and the discrimination index of the items and of the entire exam were calculated.
In addition, ANOVA was used, considering a statistically significant result equal to or
less than 0.05.
Results: The items were more difficult in the Morphology test, since 19% corresponded
to the classification of relatively difficulty and 50% corresponded to those of difficulty,
with a total of 69% between relative difficulty and difficulty. The discrimination index
was higher in the subject of Microbiology and Medical Virology, while in Biochemistry
and Molecular Biology there was a good capacity for discrimination.
Conclusions: There was variability in the degree of difficulty and the power of
discrimination of the items of the analyzed exams.
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