2020, Number 1
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Revista Cubana de Educación Médica Superior 2020; 34 (1)
The influence of social marketing in alcohol and tobacco consumption in university students
Fernández LA, Bayas VAA, Rivera JAS, Cárdenas CAP, Villegas GCA, Pastrano CDM
Language: Spanish
References: 24
Page: 1-13
PDF size: 161.16 Kb.
Introduction: Alcohol and tobacco consumption in the regions of Latin America is the
highest compared to the rest of the world. Teenagers and adult males identify themselves as
one of the most vulnerable groups. Social marketing is a tool that influences people's
behavior, so you can promote healthier lifestyles, and implement strategies so that
individuals and communities become aware of their health, through the change in their
routines, behaviors and thoughts.
Objective: To evaluate the influence of social marketing in reducing alcohol and tobacco
consumption in the students from the University of the Armed Forces ESPE in Ecuador.
Methods: The research was descriptive-correlational. Theoretical and empirical methods
were used, and the technique of scientific observation was used through primary data
obtained from a survey applied to students from the sixth to ninth semesters of the
Commercial Engineering career of the University of the Armed Forces ESPE. Data
processing was performed with SPSS.
Results: The most recurrent type of consumption was alcohol in university students of the
University of the Armed Forces ESPE. The results agreed that the consumption of alcohol
and tobacco was related to the influence of friendships and the most recurrent place of use
of these substances was the University. It was determined that social marketing could
moderately influence student behavior, with the support of social networks through action
campaigns, demotivation of vices, and health and life messages.
Conclusions: The results indicated the need to increase the effectiveness of social
marketing programs and activities aimed at reducing alcohol and tobacco consumption in
the university community, since there is a high percentage of consumption of these
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