2019, Number 32
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Inv Ed Med 2019; 8 (32)
The structured objective clinical evaluation from the area of general medical training
Gómez PL, Dávalos ELG, Rodríguez PPF, Blanco ZE, Viera HRV, Rocha CIC
Language: Spanish
References: 16
Page: 40-50
PDF size: 539.66 Kb.
Introduction: For a few years, education has witnessed
changes in training. We try to go from a training based
on the passive acquisition of theoretical knowledge to
another more active, dynamic and reflective formation.
The ideal way to assess professional ability is to observe
what the doctor does in the usual situations in his or her
practice. As this involves great technical difficulties, instruments
that closely approximate reality have been designed,
such as Structured Objective Clinical Evaluation.
Objective: The objective was to apply a structured obdad
clinical evaluation to assess the clinical skills of
fifth-semester students.
Method: A test committee was formed by four teachers
from the general medical training area. A table of specifications
of clinical skills was made to evaluate students
with planned clinical cases, including anamnesis, physical
examination, clinical judgment, anatophysiological
diagnosis, imaging skills and therapeutic communication.
Four stations were designed, their content was validated
through expert judgment and the predictive validity of
the checklists was calculated. The test was applied to
17 students, the instrument was validated, results of the
descriptive statistics were obtained and the Cronbach’s
alpha was calculated.
Results: The analysis of agreement of the evaluation instrument
according to the experts was acceptable because
the condition of essential exceeded 80%; Predictive
validity and Cronbach’s alpha in three of the stations
was significant, chagasic heart disease was the best
evaluated with 97.5 and the general Cronbach’s alpha
was 0.507
Conclusions: The instruments used in structured objective
clinical evaluation have sufficient validity and reliability
to be applied in the research context and improve the
quality of clinical evaluations, making them more objective
and with greater possibilities of feedback in the learning
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