2019, Number 32
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Inv Ed Med 2019; 8 (32)
Knowledgement on clinical epidemiology and the impact on academic, scientific and social goals
Avilés-Ibarraa OJ, Méndez-Domínguez NI, Aguilar-Vargas E
Language: Spanish
References: 21
Page: 31-39
PDF size: 484.10 Kb.
Introduction: Epidemiological studies allow health professionals
to identify trends of morbidity and health problems
in the population, helping to identify groups exposed
to certain risks and to describe populations in terms of
their health profiles.
Objective: To describe the impact of situated knowledge
on the academic, scientific and social results of the clinical
epidemiology course in the 10th semester of the medical
career of the Universidad Marista de Merida.
Method: A descriptive, observational, prospective study,
during the clinical epidemiology course, an academic
program based on situated cognition was developed.
It contemplated theoretical learning at the same time as
practical learning through the design, implementation,
analysis and implementation of health projects with an
epidemiological approach allowing medical students to
integrate their clinical, practical and theoretical knowledge
acquired during their formation.
Results: The students expressed positive views about
the field activity, managed to integrate clinical, theoretical
and practical knowledge from other areas of the medical
science and practice; They reinforced their vocation of
service and their interest to reduce the health problems of
the communities, while they expressed interest in getting
involved in the continuation of their research projects, presenting
them at conferences, publishing, and continuing
their research as thesis topics.
Conclusion: This study allowed the student to understatement
of the cultural and social differences in which
health problems can present and to facilitate the statistical
analysis of the data understanding its origin.
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