2019, Number 5-6
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Rev Sanid Milit Mex 2019; 73 (5-6)
Fractures of the orbit-cygomatic complex. Clinical case presentation and literature review
Fernández LRG, Arrellano FÁM, Hermosillo MO, Zarazúa BF, Rosas CEE
Language: Spanish
References: 19
Page: 320-326
PDF size: 315.25 Kb.
The objetive of this work is to present the literature review of the symptomatology, the parameters of the various classifications, the introduction of new imaging technologies, ancillary to the diagnosis and management of fractures of the orbito-zygomatic complex. We also present a clinical case of a 20 year-old female patient who suffers an automobile accident, causing fracture of the right orbitocigomatic complex, the clinical characteristics of the image, the surgical thechnique used in the treatment and its evolution. Concluding that the fracture traces of the orbital floor continue to be closely related to the traumatic factors, the anatomical zone involved and the arborants in the maxilla that, by allowing the transmission of force, are conjugated for the continuity solution of the osseous tissue. Concluding that the fundamental objective of the surgical treatment is to restore, as far as possible, the damage caused, to perform an adequate repositioning and fixation of the fragments with osteosynthesis material that allows the bone stability that promotes the healing process.
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