2020, Number 1
Treatment of high-grade brain glioma in the adult patient
Language: Spanish
References: 25
Page: 1-12
PDF size: 459.94 Kb.
Introduction: in recent years the worldwide incidence of tumors of the central nervous system has increased. There are different therapeutic alternatives for its treatment.Objective: to describe the treatment of high-grade cerebral glioma in the adult patient.
Method: a bibliographic review was carried out in the SciELO, Scopus, ClinicalKey and PubMed data bases. The combination of terms was used as a search strategy, using the name of the disease, treatments and the adult. 25 references were selected.
Development: the treatment of brain glioma is based on five fundamental pillars: surgery, radiotherapy, chemotherapy, immunotherapy and gene therapy. Surgery is the main therapeutic alternative for brain glioma, as long as the patient meets the criteria for its performance. Radiation therapy and chemotherapy are adjuvant treatments in the management of patients with brain tumors, although they are not always used. There are treatments based on molecular biology and the dynamics of the immune response such as monoclonal antibody therapies.
Conclusions: there are several treatments for high-grade cerebral glioma in the adult patient, but surgery remains the fundamental one. Recommendations for the realization of good therapeutic practices, as well as contraindications in the use of a specific treatment should be taken into account. Monoclonal antibodies and study of the biology molecule open new paths for the treatment of oncological diseases.
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