2019, Number 5
Characterization of psychiatric interconsultations carried out at “Juan Manuel Márquez” Pediatric Teaching Hospital
Language: Spanish
References: 34
Page: 717-729
PDF size: 972.42 Kb.
Introduction: The relationship between different specialties is necessary to give better care to patients.Objective: To describe the characteristics of psychiatric interconsultations carried out at “Juan Manuel Marquez” Pediatric Teaching Hospital from January, 2017 to June, 2018.
Materials and Methods: A descriptive prospective cross-sectional study was conducted between January 2017 and June 2018 on the basis of 154 written requests for psychiatric interconsultations. The patients consulted were also considered as units of analysis. The data were collected on a list and analyzed descriptively using SPSS version 21.0 software. The correlations considered p< 0.005 as significance value.
Results: A sustained increase in the semester was determined in the request for interconsultations. The miscellaneous service made more requests (51.9%). The reasons for consultation were expressed in 81.9% of the requests, and the assessment for suicide attempt was the most frequent (40.8%). The most frequent diagnosis was Adjustment Disorder (35.7%). Also, 94.8% of the cases were seen the same day. Parallel consultations (66.9%) were the most performed.
Conclusions: The image of consultation-liaison psychiatry is changing in the interior environment of hospital culture, but there is still clear evidence of the deficiencies that doctors from other specialties have in relation to the interpretation of psychopathological manifestations of their patients and their association with the underlying pathologies.
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