2019, Number 3
Design of a methodological course about developing the Health Status Analysis report
Language: Spanish
References: 19
Page: 1-17
PDF size: 285.69 Kb.
Introduction: The training and professional development of Comprehensive General Medicine specialists is an imperative for the improvement of teaching-learning processes in primary health care, where the Health Status Analysis report is a scientific methodological tool useful to gain insight into the health problems of the population and to devise the actions required to solve them.Objective: Design a course dealing with the methodological aspects involved in developing the Health Status Analysis report.
Methods: A development educational study was conducted from May to July 2019. Bibliographic and document review was based on theoretical and empirical methods. Criterion analysis, synthesis and comparison was performed of the materials reviewed and the author's opinions. Contributions by Comprehensive General Medicine specialists were looked into in keeping with expert criteria.
Results: A course was designed which is intended for Comprehensive General Medicine specialists. The course covers four topics, and has an active, participative approach. A variety of teaching-learning modes are used, in which team work fosters the development of a reflexive, critical attitude among health professionals.
Conclusions: The course contributed to the professional development of Comprehensive General Medicine specialists in the area of the methodological aspects to be complied with when developing the Health Status Analysis report. This resulted in better performance in the task and improved training of medical sciences human resources.
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