2020, Number 04
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Ginecol Obstet Mex 2020; 88 (04)
Pre-pregnancy body mass index and gestational weight gain related to birth weight
Soria-Gonzales LA, Moquillaza-Alcántara VH
Language: Spanish
References: 33
Page: 212-222
PDF size: 344.29 Kb.
Objective: Evaluate the relationship between the pregestational body mass index and
the gestational weight gain with the birth weight.
Materials and Methods: Cross-sectional analytical study. Through probabilistic
sampling, 197 pregnant women and their neonates participated, whose delivery
was attended at the San Juan de Lurigancho Hospital, 2018.The pregestational
body mass index was classified as low weight, normal, overweight and obese;
the gestational weight gain in insufficient, adequate and excessive; and the birth
weight in grams. The variation of birth weight according to pregestational body
mass index and weight gain were evaluated using the Kruskal-Wallis and ANOVA
H tests, respectively. Similarly, a multiple linear regression model is required, a
95% confidence level is considered.
Results: The patients who started the pregnancy with obesity and low weight presented
neonates with greater birth weight (3516.9 ± 480.7 g and 3564 ± 148.5 g,
respectively), it was determined that there is not association between the pregestational
body mass index and the birth weight (p = 0.753). However, the birth weight was
higher in postpartum women with excessive weight gain (3582.9 ± 442.1 g) and lower
in those with insufficient weight gain (3278.9 ± 447.9 g), a significant association
was demonstrated between weight gain and birth weight (p ‹ 0.001).
Conclusion: The pregestational body mass index, independently, was not related
to birth weight. However, together with the gestational weight gain, they were
positively related to the weight of the newborn.
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