2018, Number S1
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Cuba y Salud 2018; 13 (S1)
Noise and health in the Latin American School of Medicine as a healthy university
Rodríguez MI, Valdés RLT, Hernández MX, Ancheta NH, Acosta ET
Language: Spanish
References: 11
Page: 488-491
PDF size: 185.15 Kb.
Objective: to demonstrate the importance of a risk-free listening in a Healthy University.
Materials and methods: a bibliographic review is carried out where sound and noise are defined according
to the criteria of the World Health Organization. In addition, the Morphophysiology of the auditory system,
receiver and processor of sounds is briefly described and explained. of the environment and, as a central axis,
the damage caused to health in general is addressed, in addition to the damage to the body itself.
Results: the characteristics of the school and its various sources of noise are exposed, a sound map is
proposed and a conscious and proactive participation of students and workers is achieved to minimize the
noise caused in the personal exchange and thus reduce the damage to the health that this environmental
pollutant causes.
Conclusions: noise is an environmental pollutant recognized by the World Health Organization that is always
present in everyday life and disturbs all human activities if there is no ability to perform actions that promote
safe listening. The Latin American School of Medicine is immersed in a Healthy University project and this is
an important issue to achieve its goals.
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