2018, Number S1
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Cuba y Salud 2018; 13 (S1)
Characterization of the incidence of the intoxications by metals in cuba reported to the National Center Of Toxicology. 2005-2014
Fuentes SY, Pérez RS, Tamayo CR, Rodríguez NI, García MMT
Language: Spanish
References: 32
Page: 40-45
PDF size: 645.26 Kb.
Objective: to characterize intoxications by metals according to reports to the National Center of Toxicology.
Method: a retrospective descriptive, observational and longitudinal study was carried out in the period from 2005-2014. The universe consisted of 403 symptomatic patients or not, exposed to metals, according to the National
Toxicology Center and the sample by 207 patients who developed clinical manifestations.
Materials and methods: a bibliographic review was carried out in different databases such as: Ebsco, Cumed, Google
Académico, Redalyc, as well as in the Library and the Statistics Department of the National Center of Toxicology
(CENATOX). The data was obtained by emptying the Model 03.
Results: of the 207 patients, the highest incidence of metal poisoning was caused by lead in the study period. In more than half of the cases poisoned by metals, the evolution was improved, although no antidote was used. The age group from 0 to 14 years old was the most affected.
Conclusions: the study concludes with a proposal for diagnosis and treatment for poisoning by metals: lead, mercury, arsenic and copper.
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