2018, Number S1
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Cuba y Salud 2018; 13 (S1)
Learning Hierarchy of Non-Parametric Statistics
Sánchez DY, García PY, Lemus FY, Rivero MIC
Language: Spanish
References: 10
Page: 204-207
PDF size: 714.04 Kb.
Objective: Describe the learning hyperenhority on nonparametric statistics for postgraduate education.
Material and methods: A descriptive study was carried out to review the existing documentation related to the
tools that allow the creation of educational software and the hyper-environments and their performance in the
teaching-learning processes of non-parametric statistics.
Results: The hyperenhority of nonparametric statistics was prepared, in which the documents were organized using
advanced tools provided by Crheasoft, in support of the teaching-learning process.
Conclusions: The educational software that was developed for non-parametric statistics constitutes a computer
application that supports an adequate pedagogical strategy, which directly supports the teaching-learning process
and constitutes an effective instrument for the educational development of postgraduates in ELAM. Among the
necessary elements that make up the educational software of non-parametric statistics are varied exercises,
examples linked to medicine, glossary, hot words, program of the subject, electronic presentations, books and
digitized materials related to the subject, which contribute to a better development of the proposed postgraduate.
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