2019, Number 3
Proposal of a system of teaching tasks for developing the skill of comprehensive pain treatment
Language: Spanish
References: 17
Page: 332-340
PDF size: 130.79 Kb.
Foundation: international health organizations urge countries to improve the health care provided, related to under-evaluation and under-treatment of pain. This demands the formation of a general practitioner, for promoting the comprehensive treatment of pain.Objective: to design a proposal of a teaching task system to teach the treatment of pain by combining different therapeutic alternatives.
Methods: pedagogical research carried out at the Medical Sciences University of Cienfuegos. Sixth year students of the medical career were surveyed to know their criteria about the teaching of pain treatment. Semi-structured interviews were conducted to the professors of the sixth year medical career and surveys to the residents of different medical specialties. Program Analysis was carried out, consultation with specialists in Psychology, Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, Natural and Traditional Medicine, Anaesthesiology and Resuscitation and Comprehensive General Medicine.
Results: a task system proposal was created by integrating the content in three subjects. It was validated by expert criteria and evaluated as very adequate.
Conclusions: the system of tasks will contribute to improve the performance of the future graduate as an alternative for the integration of the academic, labor and research activity in training the ability to comprehensively deal with pain.
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