2019, Number 3
Activities of antivector battle and prevention of arboviruses performed by Medical Sciences students
Language: Spanish
References: 11
Page: 383-393
PDF size: 458.09 Kb.
Introduction: it is necessary to develop abilities in the Medical Sciences students who will work as future health professionals in the prevention of diseases transmitted by vectors.Objective: to assess actions for antivector battle and prevention of arboviruses performed by students from Puerto Padre Medical Sciences Affiliated Center from September, 2017 to January, 2018.
Methods: a qualitative research in health systems and services was carried out. The simple was formed by 518 students who participated in activities related to antivector battle and prevention and control of arboviruses.
Results: there was an increasing of the performed activities in November due to the carried out activities during the University bastion where 302 students participated (97.4 %). In December and January there was a decreasing because the time dedicated to “In Service Training” activities as reduced; so, it was appreciated that from September to November there was an ascendant tendency of the performed activities, and from November to January the tendency was descendent. Most of the performed actions were assessed with a regular quality fluctuating between 44.6 and 54.8 %, the ones assess with a good quality oscillated between 34.6 and 38.8 % and the activities evaluated with a bad quality were between 6.4 and 20.8 %.
Conclusions: There is an adequate level of satisfaction of the population with the performed activities by the students, the antivector battle activities were the ones evaluated with the lowest level, and the ones of promotion and health education the most accepted by the population.
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