2019, Number 06
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MediSan 2019; 23 (06)
Specific professional competences in the specialty of Comprehensive General Stomatology
López VAC
Language: Spanish
References: 16
Page: 1035-1044
PDF size: 781.61 Kb.
Introduction: The training based on competences is one of the essential objectives of current education and is born as a response to the demands of achieving a quality education. This allows the professional to face the challenges that are presented in the working life, at the same time that it facilitates the development of communicative skills, promote team work and allow to link theory with practice, among other aspects.
Objective: To identify the specific professional competences in the specialty of comprehensive general stomatology.
Methods: A descriptive and cross-sectional study was carried out from April to July, 2017, by means of using ECLAS methodology. It was developed in 2 moments: in the first one the experts were selected and the clinical stomatologic competences were identified; in the second, the stomatologists belonging to the 5 selected teaching units made the valuation.
Results: In the study 7 competences were identified; also, more than 60.0 % of the stomatologists that valued them were totally in agreement and more than 20 % were in agreement with all of them. Isolated cases were found in disagreement or total disagreement just in the competences 2, 6 and 7. Finally, in the general valuation of the 7 competences by the 113 assistance stomatologists, 71.4 % were totally in agreement and 28.5 % were in agreement.
Conclusions: The identified competences are scientifically valid for the performance of the graduated in Comprehensive General Stomatology.
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