2019, Number 30
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INFODIR 2019; 15 (30)
Position of the National Commission of Medical Ethics of Cuba before the declarations against the Missions of collaboration in health
González MRÁ
Language: Spanish
References: 22
PDF size: 67.20 Kb.
Introduction: International solidarity is a core principle of our social process and in
the field of health has achieved irrefutable results for countries that have requested it
for free, or paid. Everyone knows that it has become a basic source of income to
support the costs of the Single Health System that transcends, by far the possibilities
as a poor and blocked country. In recent months statements by state leaders aimed at
distorting their purposes and quality have circulated.
Objective: Contribute to the health team, axiological, deontological, historical and
social arguments, which refute said pronouncements.
Positioning: The arguments based on a dialectical logical thought are exposed, guided
by principles of objectivity, multi factoriality, systemic, historical and the experience
derived from the own practice and teaching of our national and foreign teachers, who
show the management of health, its historical stages, motivations, objectives, ethicalmoral
values and universality of their duties.
Conclusions: Cuba is one of the countries in the region that incorporated the principle
that we are a region of peace, and our purpose is to achieve peaceful coexistence with
states and people who are not yet friends but we know that compassionate solidarity,
willingness to help and benefit in the fields of health and education, the philosophical
position, the political affiliation, the beliefs and the legitimate personal interests,
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