2019, Number 30
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INFODIR 2019; 15 (30)
Corruption in editorials and depredatory magazines
Castro-Martínez JA, González-Lorenzo L, Rodríguez GR, de Armas BM, González LL
Language: Spanish
References: 17
Page: 1-16
PDF size: 464.17 Kb.
The depredatory editorials' inadequate practices prove that the same are manifestations of corruption to transnational level in the academic context. The objective of the article was to explore the knowledge that the professionals on the publications in editorials and depredatory magazines present. A transverse exploratory study with a concurrent design that you hold a mixed focus came true. A sampling took effect not probabilistic for opportunity to 238 professionals of social sciences and woman doctors in investigation. Straightaway you applied over yourself an exploratory questionnaire and the analysis of the information made of qualitative intervening way units of analysis of contents itself than after they quantified themselves regarding the frequency of appearing in the sign. 7,81% of the respondents acknowledge to having texts in the Academic Spanish Editorial, recognized like predator and the fact that (83.61%) you are ignorant of 199 on the depredatory existence of magazines or editorials in the academic space verified itself of revealing way. Enter the advantages that the respondents expose they find the accreditation of publications (17,77%) and the international visibility (04,44%); And the loss of prestige of authors (35,55%), the loss of the legal authorship of investigation (08,88%), the scientific plagiarism (17,77%) and the loss of the profits were verified like disadvantages (16,00%). The results of the study reflect an approach to the relation that becomes established between corruption and magazines and editorials depredatory, taking into account the ignorance that professionals, the fact that you agree with referent theoreticians and you make it possible to guide actions to prevent the proliferation of the phenomenon in sciences present.
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