2018, Number 40
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Salud Quintana Roo 2018; 11 (40)
Preconceptional reproductive risk factors in women of childbearing age in a community of Tabasco
Zetina-Hernández E, Gerónimo-Carrillo R, Herrera-Castillo Y, de los Santos-Córdova L, Mirón-Hernández G
Language: Spanish
References: 14
Page: 7-10
PDF size: 630.38 Kb.
Introduction. The pre-conception period (previous stage of
pregnancy) constitutes a strategic moment for the modification of
health problems, as well as for detecting possible risk factors. It
is estimated that a considerable percentage of women who begin
gestation have previous health problems, which can aggravate the
pregnancy and put at risk the life of the mother, the foetus or both.
Objective. To identify preconceptional reproductive risk factors in
women of childbearing age in a community in the state of Tabasco.
Materials and method. Descriptive cross-sectional study, the
sample was 201 women of childbearing age from 15 to 44 years
old, from a community in the state of Tabasco, the sample was not
probabilistic for convenience, we used the System for Detection
and Evaluation of Perinatal Risk, PREVIGEN I to classify
reproductive risk.
Results. Forty four percent of the population was between 20
and 30 years of age, 53,7% were with a partner. According to the
classification of reproductive risk, 68,6% of the women in the
sample were identified with medium risk, 21,4% with high risk
and 10,0% with low risk. The most frequent risk factors were high
blood pressure (57,7%), diabetes (54,8%) and overweight (29,8%).
The average age of onset of active sexual life was 14.2 years.
Conclusion. A high percentage of the women in this study had a
medium pre-conceptional risk and did not carry out pre-pregnancy
care, which favours the appearance of reproductive risks. It is
necessary to encourage the detection of risk factors at the preconception
stage in order to promote the health of the woman
and her offspring, as well as to assess the conditions of a future
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