2019, Number 41
University stress in medical students at the University of Quintana Roo
Language: Spanish
References: 12
Page: 13-17
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Introduction. The academic training of a physician is characterized by being highly demanding, achieving the preparation of suitable professionals for the labor field in the health sector, resulting in a stay in its academic unit full of challenges and living with significant levels of stress.Objective. To identify the levels of stress in the students of the degree in medicine of the University of Quintana Roo, as well as the main causes of stress, their physical, psychological and behavioural reactions, and the anti-stress strategies carried out by the students.
Materials and method. Analytical descriptive cross-sectional study, 71 medical students were surveyed to obtain their stress levels, their reactions to stress, and the strategies used to manage stress. The type of sampling was probabilistic, using the “Perceived Stress Questionnaire” (PSS-14) and the “SISCO Inventory of Academic Stress. The statistical analysis was performed with SPSS V. 18 obtaining measures of central tendency, as well as stratified correlations by sex and semester.
Results. A range of 77,33% and 78,62% was found in the stress level of the studied population. 56,33% were women, with an age range of 17 to 24 years. There was an increase in stress levels among the younger population in the study and better stress management in the larger population. The main causes of stress were limited time to do the work, overload of homework and schoolwork, and teacher evaluations.
Conclusion. The bachelor’s degree in medicine has high levels of stress in its students. The high levels of stress develop significant manifestations in the student, propitiating the beginning in a future of some addiction, as well as the school desertion or suicidal thoughts, being focal points of alarm in the students.
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