2019, Number 2
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Correo Científico Médico 2019; 23 (2)
Photodynamic therapy biological action on bladder cancer
Sagué DK, Sagué LJ, Doimeadios RZ, Gómez LB, Díaz AMT
Language: Spanish
References: 32
PDF size: 114.81 Kb.
Photodynamic Therapy (PDD) is a tumor cell destruction treatment,
harmless for surrounding normal tissues. It is based on photosensitizing
components combined with different types of lights (LED lamps), which
generate a big amount of energy with specific wavelengths. It is applied
over several genitourinary tumors. It shows the 6th place of worldwide
frequency with predominant appearance on bladder neoplasm superficial
tumors. Photodynamic diagnosis is superior to white light cystoscopy,
according to clinical trials comparisons and individual statistics for
pathology detection. Before creating clinical definition guidelines, current
data must be carefully analyzed for clearer treatment stages such as:
tumor progression, disease-free interval and survival.
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