2019, Number 4
Integrating model for training in health promotion for specialists in Comprehensive General Medicine
Language: Spanish
References: 16
Page: 64-78
PDF size: 203.92 Kb.
Background: There are different approaches and models to address the teaching and practice of health promotion in family medicine at international level; however, in Cuba there was not any integrating model for its implementation in this area.Objective: to design an integrating model for training in health promotion for residents and specialists in Comprehensive General Medicine.
Methods: a development research was carried out at “Ramón López Peña” University Polyclinic in the 2018-2019 academic year; Theoretical methods were used: historical-logical, analytical-synthetic, inductive-deductive and modeling, and empirical level ones: the documentary review, and the consensus meeting for the valuation of the product.
Results: a definition of the integrating model was carried out based on a process of abstraction, induction and deduction of international models; its epistemological framework was described, the social context in which it is inserted, the graphic representation, the explanation of each dimension, its criteria of use, and the forms of instrumentation and evaluation.
Conclusions: the proposed model was adequate according to the criteria of the specialists consulted, who considered it relevant, effective, viable, relevant and feasible to be applied in the context it was designed for.
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