2018, Number 1
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Rev Odotopediatr Latinoam 2018; 8 (1)
Dental trauma in infants
da Silva NAJ, da Gama MNR, Barros CD, Xavier SF
Language: Spanish
References: 25
Page: 66-74
PDF size: 907.60 Kb.
Traumatic events can result in unpleasant outcomes,
both physically and aesthetically, including
psychological aspects. Dental trauma in
infants results in almost irreparable damages at
the time, such as limitations inherent to the patient’s
age. For instance, prosthetic interventions
for infants are almost always disregarded as the
patient’s age is not compatible with the use of
prosthesis. Therefore, many other similar situations
involving infants may also occur, which
any immediate treatment and represents a
problem to be solved. The present work aims to
review the literature on dental trauma in infants
and discuss on the exams to be performed, always
considering age, growth and development
of the patient, in addition to reporting traumatic
outcomes in this early age group. Finally, the
present work also attempts to advise the caregivers
about the emergency care they should follow
in some occurrences of dental trauma in infants.
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