2018, Number 1
Teaching of self-monitoring dental biofilm to pregnant women, in public hospitals of Paraguay
Language: Spanish
References: 12
Page: 29-40
PDF size: 1175.31 Kb.
The aim of this study was to evaluate the effectiveness of selected strategies for teaching self-control of dental biofilm in pregnant women attending public hospitals from the Central Department of Paraguay. This study, of three months of duration had, a sample of 38 pregnant women (19 per group): experimental (GE) and control (GC). In Basal (B), invitations were carried out to participate (person to person), followed by signing of the informed consent document. The intervention, for the GE, consisted of: Form to determine knowledge, practices and self-efficacy; educational presentation of 10 minutes duration with illustrated flipchart (to a maximum of 4 participants); O’leary index; practice of oral hygiene with individual guidance; Clinical inspection and dental record; Dental prophylaxis and inactivation of carious lesions in cases that were indicated. For the GC: The same procedures, only that the educational content was deliberated exclusively verbally. Each participant could return at 7, 15 or 21 days for a control appointment (Cc) depending on time availability. Results: The rate of O’leary index improve for GE, in B was 88% for GE and 85% for GC, and in Cc, 14% and 58% respectively (p = 0.00001). Knowledge: In B 89% of participants (17) achieved ‹60% correct responses, in Cc = or› 60% correct answers: 58% (11) of GE and 16% (3) of GC (p=0.007). The practices and perceived self-efficacy did not have significant variation. Conclusion: The selected strategies to teach were effective to improve self-control of dental biofilm in the study population.REFERENCES
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