2019, Number 3
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Revista Cubana de Salud Pública 2019; 45 (3)
Oral health intervention to modify the quality of life in vulnerable women
León MD, Moya RP, Vidal GC
Language: Spanish
References: 22
Page: 1-14
PDF size: 274.76 Kb.
Introduction: The assessment of a dental program should consider, in addition to the clinical results, the perception of the patient in relation to physical, psychological and social changes. In this context, quality of life related to oral health is an important indicator of the health impact and efficacy of a treatment.
Objective: To assess the impact of oral health in the quality of life of women who received a dental intervention in primary healthcare centers in the Region of Los Ríos, Chile.
Methods: Quasi-experimental study with a before-after design of a dental intervention in 3,907 women aged 15 years or more in vulnerable conditions with dental problems that affect their life quality related to oral health. It was measured by means of the questionnaire "Profile of Impact in Oral Health" (OHIP-7sp) with previous informed consent, before and after the dental intervention.
Results: A representative sample of 5% of the participants (n = 137), average age 48.1 ± 16.1 years was obtained. 96,4% perceived that oral health affects their quality of life, a value that drops to 51,8% after the intervention. The percentage variation was of 46,3% being a positive result indicator of program evaluation. It was evidenced a relationship between life quality and the age of the participants.
Conclusion: The odontological intervention has a positive impact in quality of life related to women’s oral health, and indirectly meets with improving the employability of the beneficiaries by contributing to better oral health, strengthening their self-esteem and social relationships.
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