2019, Number 3
Invasive fungal infection
Language: Spanish
References: 15
Page: 630-638
PDF size: 393.44 Kb.
Introduction: Invasive fungal infections are almost universally produced by Candida or Aspergillus, but other fungi are identified that require individualized approaches, mainly in immunocompromised patients. Mycetoma is a chronic granulomatous disease, usually limited to the skin and subcutaneous tissue; however, there are localizations such as the thoracic and abdominal, considered of poor prognosis due to a visceral dissemination.Objective: To show another alternative of visceral dissemination of a mycetoma in a patient who underwent a kidney transplant.
Clinical case: We report the case of a female patient who underwent a kidney transplant from a cadaveric donor. She had a diagnosis of Candida albicans mycetoma in the right arm and lung damage. She had a good response to treatment.
Comments: Invasive fungal infections are becoming more frequent in clinical practice, especially affecting immunosuppressed patients. At present, new drugs are available that are useful in the treatment of these patients, but the prognosis continues to be discouraging in many cases. These infections have the capacity to affect different organs, which determines a serious problem for the patient.
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