2019, Number 3
Community intervention for the prevention of tuboperitoneal infertility in higher education students
Language: Spanish
References: 21
Page: 612-629
PDF size: 630.08 Kb.
Introduction: Infections due to tuboperitoneal obstruction are related to risk factors of sexual behavior and preventable infectious gynecological diseases. Adolescents and young adults are a population group in which community intervention is paramount for prevention. Sexual risk behaviors in this stage of life contribute to the development of this type of activity.Objective: To determine the impact of community intervention “Prevention of tuboperitoneal infertility” in higher education students.
Methods: A community intervention study was conducted through a health education program for higher education students. One year after the execution of the intervention, its impact on the level of knowledge about sexually transmitted infections and abortion was determined, as well as the modification of the risk factors for tuboperitoneal infertility identified in the students before beginning the investigation.
Results: unprotected sex decreased from 77.4% to 41.7%, the average of sexual partners from 2 to 1.23, that of induced abortions from 0.85 to 0.18. There was a variation rate of 32.3% in the case of the vaginal infection, 60.2% in the pelvic inflammatory disease, 13.8% in the sexually transmitted infection and 32% in the postabortion infection.
Conclusions: The community intervention impacted on the reduction of unprotected sex, the number of sexual partners, the reduction of induced abortion and infectious gynecological diseases was confirmed.
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