2019, Number 3
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Rev Enferm IMSS 2019; 27 (3)
Nursing care plan with an educational approach aimed at an adult female patient with insomnia and Hodgkin lymphoma
Briseño-Vela JA, Ortiz-Vargas I, Sánchez-Espinosa A, Enríquez-Hernández CB, Hernández-Cruz C
Language: Spanish
References: 19
Page: 163-174
PDF size: 315.83 Kb.
Introduction: The standardized nursing care plan (SNCP) is a specific care protocol, appropriate
for those patients who suffer from normal or foreseeable problems related to a specific
diagnosis or illness.
Objective: To design an SNCP with an educational approach aimed at a female adult patient
with insomnia, Hodgkin lymphoma and chemotherapy treatment, as a proposal for the nursing
professional in the patient care program.
Development: It is presented the case of a 34-year-old female adult patient with a medical
diagnosis of Hodgkin lymphoma and chemotherapy treatment, hospitalized in the Outpatient
Chemotherapy service. The NANDA (North American Nursing Diagnosis Association)
Guide for the Adult Patient by Domains and Classes was used to assess the patient's condition;
based on a process of diagnostic reasoning, the nursing diagnoses, expected results and nursing
interventions were hierarchized and determined. A care plan was designed based on the
interrelation of the NANDA, NOC (Nursing Outcomes Classification) and NIC (Nursing Interventions
Classification) taxonomies. Derived from the diagnostic reasoning, the following nursing diagnosis
was prioritized: Insomnia R/T environmental factors M/B difficulty falling asleep.
Conclusion: The nursing care plan with an educational approach can help to improve the
pattern and quality of sleep by decreasing the difficulty in falling asleep. Likewise, proper
medication management, energy management and the environment at home and in the
hospital favors adequate disease control and recovery.
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