2019, Number 3-4
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Rev Sanid Milit Mex 2019; 73 (3-4)
Effect of the obesity program on the prevalence of overweight and obesity in the army
Rojas GLB, Vázquez GMA
Language: Spanish
References: 13
Page: 227-233
PDF size: 253.32 Kb.
Introduction: Obesity is a problem that affects more than 650 million people worldwide, according to the WHO in 2016. In Mexico, in recent decades, the prevalence of obesity has tripled; in the Mexican Army, in 2010 the prevalence was of 2.26%, considering 193,000 members, approximately there were 4,361 members with obesity. Although the Directive against obesity was updated in 2010, there are still no concrete results.
Objective: Determine the effect of the directive for the comprehensive management of cases of obesity in military personnel, in the decrease in the prevalence of obesity in operational units and administrative units of Military Camp No. 1-A.
Material and methods: A cross-sectional study was carried out in operative and administrative units of Military Field 1-A, where an integrated survey of 31 items was applied to determine the level of compliance with the directive.
Results: The obesity directive is structured so that it can be reached above 60% in compliance, although the activities stipulated are carried out differently. As a result of its application, the prevalence was reduced by 5%.
Conclusions: Since the updating of the obesity directive, the prevalence of obesity has decreased significantly in units of the Military Field 1-A, Mexico City.
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