2019, Number 2
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Rev Cubana Invest Bioméd 2019; 38 (2)
Comprehensive analysis of boxers' motivation
Romero PI, Dopico PHM, Fernández TI, Montoro BR, Chávez CE, Contreras CWT
Language: Spanish
References: 35
Page: 55-71
PDF size: 384.77 Kb.
Introduction: Motivation leads to the permanence of sportspeople in the management process where they are involved. It is an indispensable factor in the achievement of high sport results, and a crucial part of psychological preparation.
Objective: Diagnose boxers' motivation using indicators enabling its characterization.
Methods: A study was conducted of Guantánamo provincial boxing team, first category (study population: 16 subjects), based on theoretical methods, open techniques and systematic observation of sport activity. Determination was made of parameters which diagnose motivation, among them the ten wishes technique, phrase composition and completion, interviews and three weeks' observation.
Results: The main results contributed determination of the cognitive, emotional and conative components of motivation for sports and the corresponding indicators.
Conclusions: In the boxing team sport reasons do not effectively guide personality toward achieving the best possible performance in sport activity.
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