2020, Number 1
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Rev Biomed 2020; 31 (1)
Insulin resistance related with biochemical and anthropometric alterations in adolescents with prediabetes
Ceballos-Pomares JC, Solís-Martínez RA, Quevedo-Carreño A, López-Muñoz MJJD, Moreno-Cortés ML
Language: Spanish
References: 28
Page: 22-27
PDF size: 284.05 Kb.
Introduction. Prediabetes (PD) is characterized by a decrease in insulin
sensitivity or insulin resistance (IR) and hyperinsulinemia; however, and
unlike type 2 diabetes (T2D), if detected in a timely manner, PD can be
reversed. Therefore, the timely detection of IR, as a characteristic of PD
represents a window of opportunity to prevent the progression of up to 10%
of cases.
Objective. To detect in a timely manner cases of IR in young and identify if
this is associated with biochemical and anthropometric variables.
Materials and methods. Cross-sectional study of 131 adolescents,
distributed according to their glucose level in: normo-glycemic group
(NG, n = 67) and prediabetic group (PD, n = 64); insulin, glucose, total
cholesterol and triglycerides levels were determined. The IR was identified
by the HOMA index. Overweight or obesity were established by the body
mass index (BMI) and waist-height index (IC/T), in addition to the fat mass
Results. The subjects presented IR, in addition to a tendency of insulin levels
and BMI increment; total cholesterol and triglycerides remain in the normal
range. Correlation of BMI, IC/T and triglycerides was observed with the
HOMA index in the PD group.
Conclusion. The adolescents between 18 and 20 years old have IR even
when there are no alterations of lipids in blood or body weight.
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