2018, Number 4
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Rev Cubana Invest Bioméd 2018; 37 (4)
The attention concentration and the free throw effectiveness of senior women's basketball
Ponce GPM
Language: Spanish
References: 20
Page: 1-8
PDF size: 160.25 Kb.
Introduction: The concentration of attention is the ability to maintain focused
attention on a task or object, generating a concentrated persistence of attention, this
variable being useful in sports as part of psychological preparation component.
Objective: to determine the influence in concentration of attention on the free throw
effectiveness in senior female basketball players of the Universidad de las Fuerzas
Armadas ESPE.
Methods: The study is descriptive and correlational non-experimental. The population
of senior players of ESPE Club (15 subjects between 18-27 years old) is studied,
randomly evaluating 10 basketball games between the years 2017-2018, and
applying a effectiveness test in free throws, as well as the concentration of attention
test of Toulouse Pierón.
Results: The average level of effectiveness in free throws is set at 8.07 hits between
13.53 attempts (Average effectiveness: 58.19%), for a qualitative evaluation of
"Poor", while the average established at Concentration of Attention level (CA) was
determined at 41.47 points (Medium Level). The linear correlation established
between the variables "Concentration of attention" and "Free throws effectiveness",
determined the existence of a high positive correlation (,817).
Conclusions: when contrasting the results of this study with others consulted in the
literature, it can be affirmed that by increasing the concentration of attention, the free
throws effectiveness of basketball is significantly increased.
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