2018, Number 4
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Rev Cubana Invest Bioméd 2018; 37 (4)
Relationship between the development of linguistic skills in students of the
Juica MP, Matheu PA, Villagran PS, Flores BR, Pérez GC
Language: Spanish
References: 13
Page: 1-13
PDF size: 497.68 Kb.
Introduction: In the field of Higher Education, the development of language skills is
directly linked to the way in which students approach and face the academic
requirements of the chairs, which are part of their professional training.
Objectives: To describe the relationship between the response variable retention of
the studies and the set of explanatory variables of the behavior of communicative
skills management, in addition to considering trends related to the variables: gender,
study days and age group.
Methods: The logistic regression technique was used as a multivariate inferential
Results: The bivariate analysis showed that the abilities of discursive modalities, the
handling of connectors and communication skills in general are variables that are
significantly associated with retention rates of the University.
Conclusions: The logistic regression model ratified this relationship indicating the
probabilities of increase in retention for each percentage of higher achievement in the
discursive and connector handling skills.
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